[CQ-Contest] The Florida QSO Party Starts at Noon Eastern on Saturday!

Jim White k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Sat Apr 27 01:08:12 EDT 2002

It is just rolling over to Saturday here in Tampa....so for one last time before the fun begins in 12 hours at 1600Z just thought I would remind everyone that:

The Florida QSO Party is 0 Days Away - see everyone in a few hours!

Details can be found at:  http://www.qsl.net/fqp

Start time Saturday - Noon Eastern
Start time Sunday - 8:00 AM Eastern

Both days are ten hour operaitng windows...mobiles will be criss crossing the state hitting all the counties - some of them many times - please join us for a Party - Florida Style! 


Jim, K4OJ
Floirda Contest Group
(0ne of the ops in K4FCG Mobile)

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