[CQ-Contest] CQWW Phone results in CQ magazine

jukka.klemola at nokia.com jukka.klemola at nokia.com
Thu Aug 1 12:52:59 EDT 2002

So, CQWW committee made a -B.
Committee's scoring accuracy is still above 99.9% !

With more than 10.000 scores announced that is world's
most accurate operation still !


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Goran SM4DHF [mailto:sm4dhf at telia.com]
> Sent: 31 July, 2002 21:57
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQWW Phone results in CQ magazine
> Hi,
> just heard from a friend in W7 who got the CQ Magazine that 
> my contest operation 
> in CQWW Phone 2001 as TI2/SM4DHF seems to be listed as a 
> winning score for Europe on 
> 15 m LP!!
> I have no idea how this happend... the soapbox comment that 
> is on the CQ Internet page 
> is not what was in my cabrillo file either!
> Trying to sort this out with CQ at the moment.
> 73 Goran SM4DHF
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