James Neiger n6tj at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 3 14:40:40 EDT 2002

Dick N6AA and I are very much appreciative of all the real-time cheering we
received during the WRTC.  Especially, from the Senior Set, who I guess we
were somehow representing.  Sorry we didn't race to the finish, first, and
hope we didn't let anyone down, other than ourselves.  Age was not our
excuse; feeble-mindedness may have been.

What did someone call us?  "Old and Treacherous", I think I heard.
OK, fair enough.

In recent months, I've been thinking that this being my FIFTH solar maxima,
of serious contesting that is, it may very well be my last!  How depressing
is that?

So, quitting not exactly being in my internal workings, I have decided to go
public with:


Many in this country, at least, probably read last week of the Yale
University research findings that if you THINK YOUNG, you will extend your
life (on the average) ANOTHER SEVEN AND ONE-HALF YEARS.  And further, that
this singular "habit" is more important to your health than factors such as
blood pressure and cholesterol.

Can you imagine this?

Thusly, I hereby announce that I have extended my personal goal of SERIOUS
contest expeditions until I am Age 100.  That's another 37 years, or ANOTHER
3 SOLAR MAXIMA!  Wow.  And then when I reach 100, I'll decide if I'll go
another 5 years, or not. And another 5, and so on.  I hope you all will be
around to celebrate this with me.

Some are probably saying, "How silly is this?  Neiger has definitely and
finally gone over the edge"!

My challenge to ALL of you:  please sign up to this plan of (1)thinking
young,  and (2) dumping pathetic excuses of WHY YOU CANNOT hit the contest
DXpedition trail this fall, or putting in MAJOR efforts from home this and
every year.

What if Yale is right?  You, at least may benefit the most.  And the rest
will derive great benefit from your activity, and many more multipliers!
And having our radio friends with us for so many more years, we all win.
And what has been on many of our minds, the bad notions that ham radio, and
contests are dying (at least in the USA), and have a limited future, are, as
they say " a little pre-mature".

 Maybe we can't attract many youngsters into the hobby.  But we certainly
have the potential to EXTEND our useful contesting lifetimes.

And I may not make the Top Ten every year, but at least if won't be for want
of a serious effort.

Please join me in this quest.  And thank you for reading this far.

Vy 73

Jim Neiger

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