[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Trophy Update

K1AR at aol.com K1AR at aol.com
Wed Aug 21 08:59:25 EDT 2002


This note it to give all of you a brief update on one of our favorite 
subjects--CQ WW trophies. Here you go:

* All 2000 plaques have been produced and shipped. If you haven't received 
yours, you will shortly.

* All requests for replacement awards that I have received have also been 
produced and shipped. If you have not received an old award, now would be a 
great time to let me know and I'll take care of it.

* The 2001 SSB plaques have already been ordered and should be available for 
shipment in about 30 days. (thanks to K8DX for his assistance). The CW group 
is right behind.

In addition, I have received numerous requests for duplicate awards, usually 
multi-operations wanting plaques for each operator or a guest op wishing to 
give an award to his host. If you are interested, the cost for each award is 
$50. Send your request to me along with payment to: John Dorr, K1AR, 2 
Mitchell Pond Road, Windham, NH 03087. I have my engraver a little 
overwhelmed right now (she's processing nearly 200 plaques for me), so I 
would guess the lead-time on these orders will be about 60 days.

We're making progress, guys. Thanks for your patience.

73 John, K1AR

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