[CQ-Contest] K8KHZ's Top Ten Things To take with you mobile for OQP.

Sean Fleming k8khz at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 22 21:35:13 EDT 2002

10. State Map of Ohio, takes two to hold the map. Please don't do this while calling cq or driving.
9. Radar detector for detecting highway patrolman. If pulled over still can use excuse, "I am lost on my way to Dayton"
8. Rolls of Quarters. Good for paying the toll at the toll gate of the Ohio Turnpike. "Also good for flipping to see who gets to ride shotgun"
7. Copy of OQP rules. can be also used if you run out of toilet paper cause you are im-between exits. Remember to read them first.
6. Lemon Diet coke but remember to throw away the cans. Not good for anything except making a large vertical antenna. use your imagination. 
5. AAA Touring guide of Ohio.  You can use pages not used for extra TP or something to even out your mobile rig. but if you do get lost there is another map incase your large state map blew out the window.  
4. Book of Ohio restaurants, list will include Cracker Barrel, Arby's,Wendy's Cracker Barrel, Bill Knapp's (now closed), oh yeah did I say Cracker Barrel? Remember you can get a discount if you show your last years OQP log thanks to K8MR.  
3. Binoculars, good for making extra points in OQP. paragraph 4.2  seen in rules says your get 3 points for making eye contact with a durgible. the list contains such well knows as the Goodyear, Budweiser, and any other UFO that you can identify correctly.  
2.   Amish cook book makes good reading material while im-between QSO's and driving behind horse and buggy.
1. teleohone number to K8MR's incase you get lost.
good luck,73

 Visit my Web Home @ http://www.geocities.com/k8khz 

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