[CQ-Contest] ICOM 775 vs ICOM 756 PRO 2 vs YAESU FT 1000 MP5

Timothy.Urban at wc.ey.com Timothy.Urban at wc.ey.com
Fri Aug 23 10:45:39 EDT 2002


Sorry about your rig.

Seems like it will help you a lot to answer two questions: 

        how important is it to have two easy to use rcvers operatable 

        and, would you prefer to be able to shift rx/tx from ant1 to ant2 
on the front panel, or would you rather be able to use ant2 for subrcvr 
diversity reception?

I have the FT1000Mk5 which I like a lot for the 2 rcvrs and the ability to 
push a front panel button to switch between rx+tx on either ant1 or ant2.

My FT1000D doesn't let you do that since ant2 is never a tx antenna.  But 
it does let you use the subrcvr to simultanteously listen on the second 
antenna - really neat when you've got a horizontally opposed ant plugged 
in ant1 and a vertical on ant2.  If it matters to you, the 1000D looks and 
feels like the most quality piece of equipment I've ever owned. 

Happy to be corrected by others out there who have more experience with 
these rigs,



Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Sent by: cq-contest-admin at contesting.com
08/22/2002 10:01 PM

        To:     cq-contest at contesting.com
        Subject:        [CQ-Contest] ICOM 775 vs ICOM 756 PRO 2 vs YAESU FT 1000 MP5

Ah, the joys of living in Florida...another lightning hit.  It looks like 
main xcvr, an Icom 775 is toast.  The other 775 was not in line so it 
like it is clean.

Insurance will be buying a new transceiver and since the 775 is 
the same price, if not more than the 756 Pro and the FT 1000MP5, it looks 
like decision time.  I loved the 775 and am tempted to get another.  The 
reliability and simplicity of use are great.  I have also heard very nice 
things about the 756 and the 1000.

I am primarily a phone contester and like the fact that both the 775 and 
1000 put out more than 100 watts which is handy for contests with the 150 
watt limit.  I do operate some CW and plan on doing more in the future but 
main love is SSB contests.

Some of the review posts suggest quality control is more of an issue with 
Yaesu than Icom.  More trips back to the shop, but some suggest the 1000 
the ultimate rig.

My question is this:  knowing what my operating habits are, if you were in 
shoes and price were no object, which of the three would you purchase and 
why.  Also which of the stock filters would you recomnmend. You can either 

send the suggestions and critiques to me or post them.  I am not trying to 

start a war of Icom vs Yaesu, only to get a feeling from the community 
the pros and cons of each.  .This should be interesting.

Thanks for the help.

Bill K4XS

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