[CQ-Contest] Re: ts-850

Bill Turner w7ti at dslextreme.com
Fri Aug 30 18:38:37 EDT 2002

On Fri, 30 Aug 2002 10:18:22 -0500 (CDT), Zack Widup wrote:

>Many contesters and DXers have recommended the TS-850 to me as one of the
>best deals in its price range, so I bought one a couple months ago. I've
>been more than happy with it so far.  The receiver is outstanding.


IMO, the TS-870 has an even better receiver.  On my '850, a very
strong station (40 over 9) very close in frequency could be heard
weakly - leakage around the filter.  On my '870 there is no
leakage at all.

The only thing the '870 needs to make it perfect is the ability
to choose 50 Hz bandpass on SSB.  Then PSK31 could truly come
into its own as a DX mode.  


Bill, W7TI

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