[CQ-Contest] My call bootlegged on packet...

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Tue Dec 17 00:02:10 EST 2002

I just did a search on DX-Summit to see if I was spotted
during the ARRL 10-Meter contest.  I told it to search all
columns, and was very surprised to find the following spot:

K4RO  28500.0 W1AR    Pse spot DE, NC!     K0047 15 Dec 2002

Note that I had no packet connection during the contest,
and I absolutely did NOT make that spot.  I'm a bit miffed
that someone would use my call sign in this fashion.  Is there
anyone I can contact to determine the source IP address for
this particular spot?  Has anyone else encountered this problem?

-Kirk  K4RO

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