[CQ-Contest] Re: S50C ARRL 10M Audio

Salina Physician Anesthesia spa at tri.net
Sun Dec 22 03:07:03 EST 2002

There was a request for a recording of S50C's signal in the ARRL 10M 
contest.  Haven't seen a reply so here is one clipped out of my Write Log 
recording.  I typically work the strong DX early in an opening so this was 
not his typical strength.  What is on this WEB page are some signals of 
interest to another small local group and I just added S50C to that page. 

I've not been an active contester until a few years ago and at age 63 find a 
bit of hearing loss and a bit of lack of composure to be a bit embarassing 
when things are hot. As they say, "A man shouldn't wear a hat with more 
character than he has", and my station is better than the operator here.  
But I'm having fun. 

Especially when it's late afternoon and PA0 or TF come boiling in off the 
back of the antenna as seems to happen. 

See you all in next year's ARRL DX, probably on 15M 

Check out http://www.tri.net/~stoskopf for the recordings: 


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