[CQ-Contest] RTTY WPX and NA Sprint CW this weekend (fwd)

Waldemar DK3VN dk3vn at nexgo.de
Fri Feb 8 08:55:11 EST 2002

> ...
> The general band starts 7025Khz.  You are expecting our contest to take
> place between 7025Khz and 7035Khz?  I don't think so.  
> Hey the good news is that the CW Sprint will only be there for about 2
> hours.  You've got an entire 46 other hours to work there.
> 73
> Bill Fisher
> ...


46 hours to work there???? The best propagation (window) on 40m for 
EU <=> NA contacts, at this time of the year, is approx. 00..04 UTC.

The RTTY section on 40m for EU, AF, Middle East and the complete
area of the former USSR is 7035..45. But 7040..45 is covered by
strong SSB-stations (usually). On 7039 you can hear .. I call it
"Radio Moscow" and the rest of a very few "clean" kHz's is covered
by any other type of strong garbage also. Allways it's a challenge
to establish conntacts between EU and NA in a RTTY contest on 40m.

In the WPX RTTY nobody needs a local CW contest; especially not
on 40m in the time of 00-04 UTC! But please don't forget: During
this time 20m is open for EU <=> NA also. Does anyone believe,
that the NAQP-CW guys will stay away from any frequency inbeteen
14070..14100 during this time???

I have the impression, that for the people behind the NCJ, any
bandplan and any deeper knowledge about propagation must be
a never understandable great miracle??? When they will do
their "homework" and when they will start with: "THINK GLOBAL"?

 <.. grrr ..>

73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
Check RWRL on  http://www.qsl.net/dk3vn
German DX Foundation #207  http://www.gdxf.de
Big antennas, high in the sky, are better than small ones, low!

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