[CQ-Contest] I watch with interest, but with great sadness

Bob Wanderer aa0cy at VRINTER.NET
Wed Feb 13 21:22:11 EST 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Zack
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:48 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] I watch with interest, but with
great sadness

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Jim Reisert wrote:

> --- "Leigh S. Jones, KR6X" <kr6x at kr6x.com> wrote:
> > So the DXCC certificate is in danger of elimination.
Someone produces
> > data that says the cost of sending HQ staffers to the
convention isn't
> > being offset by all of the money being spent by DXers on
their DXCC
> > stamps.  Someone produces statistics saying that only a
fraction of the
> > ARRL members have DXCC certificates -- therefore
certainly only a
> > fraction must believe that the ARRL should continue to
underwrite the
> > cost of administration of the DXCC program.  How's DXCC
going to
> > survive in this climate?
> By selling a piece of paper for $10 called "QRP DXCC" that
requires them to do
> nothing more than make sure the list you sent them has
100+ different entities
> listed.  No QSL cards required.
> 73 - Jim AD1C

This whole thing brings up several interesting questions.
Who ARE these
mysterious majority of ARRL members?  What do they do with
ham radio?
What do THEY want out of the ARRL, or do they even care?

The DXCC program is something marvellous, quirky and
unusual.  The rules
for it are also very odd and quirky.  I think it's unlikely
that a brand
new program, invented today, would include "entities" such
as all the
uninhabited islands of the DXCC program.  It would probably
be more like
the WorldRadio W-100-N award.  (I'm not knocking that,
either; it's just a
different program with its own rules.  It's also a lot of

We find a LOT of non-U.S. hams in the pileups trying to work
uninhabited rocks that count for DXCC.  This indicates to me
that these
hams are also going for DXCC, or that they are participating
in some other
award program based on DXCC.  The DXCC program has become
something beyond
the borders of the American national radio society.  I think
that should
be taken into consideration.

73, Zack W9SZ

I think the abovementioned mysterious majority is the same
"silent majority" of the Nixon presidency who (supposedly)
supported America's involvement in the war in Vietnam. IOW
they don't exist and there's no proof of their existence.
(And, of course, they were not lining up at the armed forces
recruiting stations either.)
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