[CQ-Contest] I watch with interest, but with great sadness

Bob Wanderer aa0cy at VRINTER.NET
Thu Feb 14 21:09:23 EST 2002

Who cares about the Olympics?

The Olympics are filled with these people  who train for
years and years, forsaking a normal life, to do one totally
useless thing better than anybody else.  They then go to the
Olympics, win a gold medal, appear on cereal boxes for a
while, and then disappear (Whatever Happened To Mark
Spitz?).  Gee, except for the cereal boxes, it sounds just
like CW Contesters!


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Lou
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:57 PM
To: Ragnar Otterstad; Dale L Martin;
CQ-CONTEST at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] I watch with interest, but with
great sadness

You must be kidding. Some events are fixed. Just like some


Lou    KE1F / ZF2LM

----- Original Message -----
From: Ragnar Otterstad <otterstad at enter.vg>
To: Dale L Martin <kg5u at hal-pc.org>;
<CQ-CONTEST at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] I watch with interest, but with
great sadness

: Are you chaps not watching the Olympic games ??
: 73
: Rag Otterstad    LA5HE also JW5HE OZ8RO
: located in Telemark - home of skiing.
: My antenna "farm" can be found on
HTTP://no.photos.yahoo.com/la5he when
: click on  Radio.
: Take a look at: http://WWW.visitTelemark.com
: or  http://www.visitnorway.com
: -----Original
: Boy, I hope so.   I don't have anything at all to do this
weekend.  I
: I'll just hang out on the 'net.
: 73,
: dale, kg5u
: >
: > I think we need a good contest or something to lower the
hormonal levels
a tad.
: >
: > Any good ones coming up? :-)
: >
: > 73, Ward N0AX
: >
: --
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