Fw: [CQ-Contest] how to report a multi-state ARRL DX entry? ; the ARRL answer

jim funk jfunk at adams.net
Wed Feb 20 13:21:32 EST 2002

As I should have done initially, I forwarded my question to N1ND at ARRL.
Here is his answer for anyone else contemplating such an operation:

----- Original Message -----
From: Henderson, Dan N1ND <dhenderson at arrl.org>
To: 'jim funk' <jfunk at adams.net>
Cc: <nh7a at arrl.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] how to report a multi-state ARRL DX entry?

> Hi Jim:
> Actually, there is no rule that allows a station that operates from
> locations to submit a score, so therefore the score itself can only be a
> checklog.  There is no mobile category, and as per the rules all station
> equipment must remain within a 500-meter circle, exclusive of antenna.  A
> station operating from their parked car would be able to submit the score
> earned from that location.  A station that was mobile in the states of
> Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and into New
> obviously has moved location more than a 500-meter circle and could only
> a checklog (since they don't meet the criteria for a valid category).
> The mobile station should send the exchange for whatever his actual
> is at the time of the QSO, and log it as such.  The log checking software
> sophisticated enough to note the different exchange and will tag the entry
> as "unstable" (for lack of a better word).  The log processing team then
> handles the cross-checking a bit differently.  Stations would not be
> penalized because the mobile station's exchange changed (though if they
> him on one band in one state and on another in a second state, they may
> get it wrong in their log if they don't log what was sent at the time.)
> Also, his change of state does not make him a new station which could be
> reworked for credit.  The station hasn't changed, simply the QTH. Since
> can only work a station once per band, a second QSO on the same band, even
> from a different multiplier, would be a dupe.
> Thanks and 73
> Dan Henderson, N1ND
> ARRL Contest Branch Manager

Original question:

> > In the "some people don't know when to quit" category.... (we needed
> > more
> > categories, right?):
> >
> > I operated ARRL DX CW (besides a short stint at KC1XX) from a fixed
> > location
> > in MA under my own call, and as N9JF/M from MA, NY, and PA.  Any idea
> > how
> > ARRL wants this reported?  It's all in one continuous log (the N9JF and
> > N9JF/M stuff).
> >

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