[CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest On-Line Soapbox Update

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Wed Feb 20 15:22:49 EST 2002

We wanted to give you an update on the status of the new ARRL Contest
On-Line Soapbox, which is found at www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox. We are
pleased with the initial response.  The Website had a couple of small flaws
in it - some things were being submitted but not acknowledged, so they
didn't show up in the queue of messages to be reviewed.  However, our
Webmaster was able to resolve this problem and the site appears to be
working well.

As of this afternoon, about 21 posts have been made.  Three of the posts
have included photographs.  Comments have come in from both US and DX
stations, both members and non- members of the ARRL.  The expanded soapbox
comments have been entertaining as well as informational.  It is encouraging
to read about people with modest stations use their operating talents to
build the contest scores, work some new band countries for DXCC, improving
their code speed or simply talk about enjoying good conditions during a
great contest.

The web address is www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox  Visit the site, browse the
comments, and  add your own.  We aren't trying to compete with the "nuts and
bolts" discussion of hot contest topics, such as found on CQ-Contest.  Our
goal is to provide operators a place to share their unique stories of
amateur radio contesting as well as a place where the curious might go to
learn a bit more about this fascinating aspect of our hobby.  Consider
sharing the story of hunting a multiplier this past weekend, or brag a bit
about busting a pile-up.

At the end of the 2002 ARRL International DX Phone Contest, the site will be
expanded to provide a separate area for stories, photos and tales related to
that event.  This will be the practice for future ARRL events.  The pages
from all events will be archived and accessible from the website. So while
operating in future events, if something interesting happens, remember to
jot it down to share with the rest of us post-contest.  That's how we all
learn! This site is YOUR site:  I encourage you to test it out, add to it
and share you expertise.

If you have questions about the site, let me know.  I will be happy to

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

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Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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