[CQ-Contest] Re: 2 dB more?

Bill Fisher, W4AN w4an at CONTESTING.COM
Tue Jan 1 11:00:41 EST 2002

I'll give you my non-technical, experienced-based answer to your

The KT34XA is an awesome antenna on 10 meters.  I assume the KT36XA is
too.  I think the 7 ele 10M M2 will be clearly better, but I have to
question the cost of such a change.  The cost I'm thinking of is the loss
of two other bands.  If you don't care about 15 or 20, then yes... sell
the KT36XA and buy the 7 ele M2.  You will be happy.  Even happier if you
can stack two of them.  

But if you care about 15 or 20 at all, I suggest sticking with what you
have already.  It is a fine antenna.


Bill Fisher, W4AN 

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