[CQ-Contest] Dupes

Albert Crespo nh7a at arrl.net
Wed Jan 9 18:25:58 EST 2002

In contests where serial numbers are given, it is very easy to figure
out who is really competing and those that are just giving out QSO's.
95%+ of the dupes are from people that give out low numbers. That
indicates they are not using software to log the QSO's, or failing to
use dupe sheets (remember them?) Telling somebody they are a dupe  cuts
into your competition time,  not theirs. The other percentage  of dupes
are from busted calls, and yes, even the good operators do bust calls.
In WPX, I never S/P. I only run. Yet I get 9% dupes. How many guys have
similar calls like mine???
All that matters is "keep the rate up."
Aloha, Al

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