[CQ-Contest] QST

Albert Crespo nh7a at arrl.net
Fri Jan 11 12:12:50 EST 2002

If there is space for articles about computers, messy ham shacks, etc.,
then there is room for section news and contest results. 
Moving the comments and pictures about  contests to the web  to save
space is one thing, moving individual scores to the web is completely
If a someone  would rather read the above fore mentioned articles, then
QST is not about what is members have done,  but about cute and very
basic non-ham material.
Contesters probably are the source of most purchases of new HF ham gear.
How many non-contesters  have stacks arrays, multiple towers?
Move contest and section news information off QST to the web, why should
advertisers spend money to have their ads in QST 

Aloha, Al

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