[YCCC] Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest Results on the Web

Jim Idelson k1ir at designet.com
Sat Jan 12 08:06:02 EST 2002

Wait. Forget AYYA. Sorry I put that one in there. The Soaring group is much 
more interesting and very serious. They started with a separate server, and yes 
the data ends in 2000:
But, they integrated the contest results with the SSA official site in 2000! 
There is a lot of additional data including recent events on this site:
Check out the multi-talented webmaster:
Unfortunately, the callsign N1GE is already taken...

I actually like the format of their old site better. I think the webmaster put 
more effort into it. This is the critical factor for a successful web 
presentation. It really is going to take a lot of work to make it work. My 
concern is that the resource budget needed to make it happen isn't going to be 
available after the QST pages are nixed.



At 07:09 AM 1/11/2002 -0800, R. Dean Straw wrote:
>Your point is well made. The AYYA is obviously really serious about what
>they do -- I would never have guessed such an organization even exists!
>You'll note under their "Contest Results" button, "Results of Past Events"
>that their on-line results go back until 1994. In other words, in one
>easy-to-find place they list 7 years of results.

But if you look closer:
   they only list the top few, not all of the participants
   nothing listed since late 2000 (no results from 2001)
The ARRL web site already has electronic copies of contest results going back 
about five years.

Membership in the AYYA is half that of ARRL but no magazine, just a "famous" 
newsletter 3 times a year (and a "cool" patch).

               -- Tom

e-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com    YCCC --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir at designet.com
web    http://www.designet.com/k1ir

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