[CQ-Contest] More QST Comments

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Sat Jan 12 13:03:38 EST 2002

Sent this note to my Director as well as our Contest Club Reflector, and
have been asked to post it here as well.

Hello Frank,

There is currently much discussion among the Amateur community, about
the proposal to remove Section news and Contest Results from QST.  I
think this is a bad idea.

Personally, when my QST arrives, I first read the Section News, to see
what the other Florida Sections are up to.  I like to know what others
are doing.  If there are Contest results in the magazine, then I'll read
them ... since I'm probably listed there somewhere.

I can understand the need to cut costs, and this being a way to do it. 
However, I feel the reason this is even an issue now, is due to a major
miscalculation on the part of the ARRL many years ago ... the
consequences of which, we are seeing today.

QST used to be THE technical and informational magazine for Amateurs. 
Over the past several years, it has turned into nothing but "fluff".  

I became interested in Amateur Radio in High School, and just passed my
25th Anniversary as an Amateur.  In those days, being an "Amateur" meant
something.  Because of the tough technical knowledge and tougher CW
requirements, people had to work to learn what was needed to become an
Amateur, and it felt like a major accomplishment and an honor to wear
the badge of "Amateur Radio Operator".  Many of those who became
Amateurs in the "old days" are still very active, and many of those are
the current "movers and shakers" in the Amateur Community (if this is
good or bad, is also open for debate).

ARRL actions over the years, have helped reduce the requirements to
become an Amateur.  To make it even "easier", we're on the brink of
eliminating the CW requirement!  Why?  Because instead of publishing a
monthly magazine and keeping an eye on Amateur interests and
representing Amateur Radio operators, the ARRL has turned more into a
"business".  It appears everything the ARRL does today, is based
financially, instead of what's in Amateur Radio's best interest.  

So where did the major miscalculation come into play?  The ARRL's
actions of working towards reducing technical knowledge, reducing, and
almost eliminating the code requirements, and reducing the number of
license classes, to me, appear to be geared toward one thing ...
increasing ARRL membership.  Each time a "dumbing down" happens, the
ARRL expects these "new" Amateurs to join the ARRL in droves as a "thank
you".  This never happened.  So, the ARRL tries again, by "dumbing down"
even further.  The number of Amateurs grows dramatically ... but the
ARRL membership doesn't.

As I've experienced first hand, we have had a large number of people who
take the Amateur Radio classes, take the exams, and become licensed. 
Only a VERY small percentage of these people, actually go as far as
purchasing a radio and become active.  Out of those "active" Amateurs,
probably a small percentage may join ARRL.  

QST itself, reflects this philosophy.  The really technical article have
all but disappeared.  HF operating activities, such as DXCC listings,
are gone.  Now Contest results are on the chopping block.  The whole
reason for Amateur Radio is Public Service.  That's also getting cut, in
the form of the Section News.  Let's make QST more "modern" and "hip" by
adding color (and more expensive).  QST should be one of those magazines
that people actually read for the articles ... and not look at the

Almost every issue has some computer related articles.  That's fine for
a computer magazine ... but we are Amateur RADIO operators.  I've seen
items on how to build a simple dipole, or how to solder a PL-259!  This
type of material would NEVER have been in the "old" QST magazine ...
since this was stuff ALL Amateurs KNEW how to do.  

Equipment manufacturers are going after these same folks.  Many of the
articles are geared towards VHF, and reviews on VHF or HF/VHF
equipment.  Most of these newer radios reaching the market in the past
few years, are basically VHF radios with HF thrown in!

QST has turned into a magazine, that's trying to reach the lowest common
denominator ... and to attract the huge number of "shack on a belt"
Amateurs that have come about as a result of ARRL policies on
restructuring.  Lot's of "potential" money ... but unfortunately, this
"potential" is not being realized by the ARRL.

Eliminating the DXCC listings, alienated the DX'ers.  Eliminating
Contest results, will alienate Contesters, and Section News, will
alienate those who provide "Public Service".  These folks are basically,
the lifeblood of the ARRL and the only ARRL supporters who are left! 
What happens when these folks decide they don't want their dues to
support even further "dumbing down" of Amateur Radio and turning QST
into more of a "fluff" magazine, and they decide to leave?  Will new
Amateurs joining the ARRL be able to make up the difference?  I don't
think so.

The ARRL should stop trying to lower the bar and chase those "phantom
Amateurs" that are not even interested in Amateur Radio ... and go back
to supporting the hard-core, dedicated Amateurs.  Keep the current
members happy first.  If you lose them ... the League loses ... and
Amateur Radio suffers.

One thing that has been talked about, is give ARRL members, who are
contesters, the choice to recieve QST, with no Contest results, or NCJ
(The National Contest Journal).  Turn NCJ into a monthly QST-like
magazine, geared ONLY towards Contesting ... and you'd probably have
lot's of Contesters switch.  HOWEVER, they would still be ARRL members
... but they would be happy with the choice.  The elimination of Contest
Results and Section news, already appears to be a "done deal" ... the
problem there is, no one had a choice.

73, Ron Wetjen  WD4AHZ

EC Sarasota County
Vice President, Sarasota Emergency Radio Club
Co-Vice President, Florida Contest Group

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