[CQ-Contest] Maybe best thing ever happened to us.

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 12 20:25:15 EST 2002

>From: "Guy Olinger, K2AV" <k2av at contesting.com>
>To: <pvrc at qth.net>, <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] Maybe best thing ever happened to us.
>Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 12:46:08 -0500


>It might be the best thing that ever happened to us. Since they
>dropped us from QST, we can say they owe us something in
>responsiveness over the form and content of the internet replacement.
>Including a greater incorporation of volunteers so we can reduce the
>cost and improve the process.

This is what we want and expect but I fear that it will not be coming for a 
At first I think all we will see is the listing and nothing more, unless Dan 
N1ND and his staff are completely freed from the QST and work only on the 
contest section of the web site.

>Let them keep Field Day in QST, as they say. It's the best lead-in to
>contesting we have going.

I think that some coverage of the most recent contest should be in QST, 
maybe a few soapbox comments and some pics of stations to peak the interest 
of the newbie contester.

>The internet focus will finally break the logjam focus on paper
>magazine publishing, and remove the publishing lead-time from the
>delay. We will be able to ask for and get improvements in the scoring
>and presentation, including possibly a running claimed score page that
>becomes available from day one as logs come in. Trust me, as long as
>the final focus is making the magazine deadline, on-time and perfect,
>other things will NOT happen easily. The internet medium is much more
>easily corrected.
As long as we have humans handling the data the results will still be slow. 
Cabrillo format for logs is a step in the right direction as is the robot on 
the sever will submit our logs to.
I am not real sure how much humans are involved now in the process since the 
Cambrillo format and the robot was implemented but until we get to the point 
where ALL logs are submitting into the Cambrillo format and All logs 
checking is handled by the software there will still be a long lead time for 
the results to be published

>We will be able to publish COMPLETE scores on the internet. Maybe the
>composite logs, for a price, on CDROM. Those of us with statistical
>packages on our PC's would love to see what could be gleaned from

When the ARRL gets the World Logbook done ( if they haven't already) They 
could use the same methods to post ALL the logs submitted in the contest 
that way when will get a QSO thrown out as NIL we can check the other 
stations log and see why. Now that should make the UBN reports look better 
look better for all.
If they posted all the logs on the website that would be a BIG resource for 
all. We could use that info to improve our operating strategy for the next 
contest and improve our scores.

All in all moving the contest results out of QST is probably a good thing as 
most of us look on the website and see how we did long before the mag comes 
in the mailbox. I for one never look at the results in QST anymore as I 
already know what is there.
I agree with Pete N4ZR that wee need to keep something about contesting in 
QST to interest new blood but I feel that the newbies are not going to read 
all the small print that the results are printed in, therefore I feel moving 
them out of QST is a good move.

More ways that QST can cut costs is to use full color only where needed or 
maybe only print the full color issues for the new stand copies and send a 
less colorful version to members.
Another thing that can be cut is the Moved and Seconded that is printed 
after each meeting. This can also be posted on the website with just a 
overview of what happened printed in QST.
The Ham Ads section could be cut also. With all the sites on the web who 
wants to wait for the 2 months to have there ads listed! I see less and less 
gear listed here each month. The rest of the ads are just a very cheap way 
for people selling stuff to advertise. Cutting out the ads would save pages 
and force these sellers to pay for advertising in QST thus increasing revues 
for the mag. The ones who couldn't afford it can use the resources on the 
web. Almost every ham site I have been to has banner advertising let these 
guys go there.

QST is getting to be of lees and less interest for me. I use to spend hours 
reading the newest issue that just came in the mail, then leave it by my 
chair to refer to over the next several weeks. I would file it away for 
future reference. Now I spend maybe 20 min looking though the pages then 
throw it in a stack along with the ham and computer catalogs I get in the 
mail. I still save them for the few articles that interest me but those are 
getting less and less.
Now when the NCJ comes in the mail I read it from cover to cover then leave 
it by my chair for a few weeks, NCJ has replaced the spot reserved for QST 
at this QTH


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