[CQ-Contest] why should ARRL publish QST on paper?

Matt & Carrie Trott aa7bg at 3rivers.net
Sun Jan 13 14:20:54 EST 2002

Until I have a computer terminal in my "library," i.e. water closet, I sure
hope they continue printing 'something' on paper! That's where I do most of
my reading. I don't think the internet will ever replace this aspect of QST
for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of W. Wright, W5XD
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 12:25 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] why should ARRL publish QST on paper?

The League existed before it published a magazine, and publishing a magazine
is, in my opinion, not among the reasons it exists. QST gets published to
further the purposes of the ARRL--contesting is among those--and if there is
a better way to accomplish those than killing trees, then I hope that the
Amateur Radio community continues in the tradition of innovation and finds a
better way.

My opinion on the hot topic of the moment, however, is that if the ARRL
thinks that publishing QST is in its best interest, then reducing the
representation of its contesting constituency is not a very good plan.

Wayne, W5XD

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