[CQ-Contest] Command nfo ... help.

utahfolk utahfolk at xmission.com
Tue Jan 15 05:51:21 EST 2002

Please help ... This question is one that relates to my file managment
contest data, logs, etc.

I store lots of data and contest logs with the following general common
format: for example:

Base directory is   CONTEST.BIG with subdirectories CTSTRUN.001, CTSTRUN.002
CTSTRUN.003 ... etc where the subdirctories are contest data  that have been
run using
the master contest program in main directory CONTEST.BIG.   I have a very
collection of CONTEST.BIGs and associated subdirectories ... (these names
only representative)

I want to copy/backup CONTEST.BIG to another drive ... QUESTION:   Is there
a command
in DOS that I can use that will copy CONTEST.BIG and ALL it's subdirectories
a CONTEST.BIG directory on the destination drive... that is, copy all files
all subdirectories (and files) ????    IF not in DOS, is there something in
windows 98
that will do this?  In short I'm looking for a command/sequence that will
copy a
directory and all it's subdirectories to the destination drive .... the
obvious reason is
to avoid having to copy each directory/subdirectory one at a time.

I also have another very annoying problem ... When I copy a directory either
via DOS
or w98, the ORIGNAL ORDER of files on the SOURCE is lost and I end up with
some alphabetical or something else order ... is there some command I can
to stop this nonsense?  Also, if I rename a file in a directory it's postion
in the list
gets changed ... I do not want any repositioning to occur ... how do I
acheive that??
I'm running windows 98.  I know that this reordering can be turned off
because I have
been on Windows 98 machines where this reordering does not occur.

Thanks for your comments ... de dummo Dave @ kd7aee

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