ha3uu at freemail.hu ha3uu at freemail.hu
Sat Jan 19 16:41:08 EST 2002

                            HUNGARIAN DX CW CONTEST

       Organizer: THE MTTOSZ VRK GYOR of MRASZ.

       Address: PO. BOX 79. GYOR, H-9002 HUNGARY.

       Date of the contest: The third full weekend of January in each year
                            exclusively  on  Sunday from 00:00 to 24:00 UT
                            on January 20. of 2002!

       Aims: To strengthen the traditional radioamateur friendship.

       Entrants:  Any   licenced   radioamateur  may  participate  in  the
                  competition who accepts the general aims.

       Categories: - SOSB - Single  Op  Single Band
                   - SOMB - Single  Op  All   Bands
                   - MOST - Multi   Op  Single   TX
                   - MOMT - Multi   Op  Multi    TX
                   - SWL  - Short  wave   listeners

       Frequencies: From 160 to 10 meters. /six traditional bands/

       Mode: CW only.

       CALL: CQ test.

       Exchange: Signal report  and  progressive  serial  number from 001.
                 /Hungarian stations give a two letter code -county- after
                 the report or the memberships of HADXC (only HA stations)
                 give their club membership after the report/.

       Counties of Hungary: HA1 - GY, VA, ZA.     HA2 - KO, VE.
                            HA3 - BA, SO, TO.     HA4 - FE.
                            HA5 - BP.             HA6 - HE, NG.
                            HA7 - PE, SZ.         HA8 - BE, BN, CS.
                            HA9 - BO.             HA0 - HB, SA.

       Score:  Every stations of Hungary six points,  any DX station three
               points, stations from own continent 0 point.

       Multipliers:Number of different Hungarian counties and club members
                   per band.

       Total score: Sum of points must be multiplied  by  sum of the total

       Logs:  Separate  logs  per  band  and  summary   sheet  with signed
              declaration  should  be sent within six weeks to HA DX CLUB.
              Email LOG possible to mttosz.vrk at mail.matav.hu

       Awards: Top three entrans of each categories, continents, countries
               will also be awarded by certificates.

               The absolute winners of the categories  SOMB,  MOMT or MOST
               will also be given a plaquet,  while these of SOMB memorial
               awards.The foreign winner of SOMB category becomes Honorary
               Member of HADXC.

       Hope to hear you tomorrow! 73 & DX from Janos HA3UU 1st op of HG3DX
       and HG0HQ. 

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