Shelby Summerville k4ww at home.com
Mon Jan 21 09:38:25 EST 2002

Bill Tippett <btippett at alum.mit.edu> wrote: " I firmly do not believe pages
and pages of contest results will interest a newcomer in contesting."

I tend to disagree with that, as I remember how "elated" I was "seeing" my
call along with those that, at that time, I had only "heard" of! I was
"coerced" into submitting my log, and was fortunate to win the section (KY),
even though there were not a great number of logs submitted from KY, the
certificate didn't specify that..it just said "winner"! It was the annual
ARRL 10 meter contest, and I was so naive, that in the column for "freq",
(y'all do remember "paper logs"?), I entered the exact frequency of each
contact! I also believe that interesting stories, not necessarily for M/M's
or SO2R's, but from those that are able to finish well, while being
"property" restricted, would pique the interest of newcomers, many of which
fall into that category? IMHO, few, if any, new HF hams have any of the
necessary equipment (define that as you see fit) to be competitive, at the
start, but by reading how others, similarly equipped, manage to be
competitive, would interest them? I know, that for me, when I see the
results, I have little, if any, interest in the actual winners, but seek out
those that are similarly equipped as I, to compare my score with. I also
know that if the contest results are removed/reduced, that my monthly copy
of QST will be of little interest to me!
Just my $00.2 worth.
C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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