[CQ-Contest] Rate meter...

Robert Brandon rbrandon at austin.ibm.com
Mon Jan 21 12:14:41 EST 2002

There are lots of ways to calculate rate.  Whatever makes yours look
best is the way to go!  Hi hi

Seriously, most contest software calculates some or all of the following:

	QSOs per clock hour
	QSOs in the last 60 minutes
	QSOs in the last 10 minutes
	QSOs in the last 6 minutes (1/10 of an hour)

There are also utilities for contesting software (or Cabrillo formatted
files) that will, after the contest, show you rate for your best minute,
best 10 minutes, best 60 minutes, etc., etc., etc.

This might be the time to take the plunge and try some contesting
software.  You'll find demo versions of most programs on the web, and I
think you'll find that it improves your contesting experience quite a

See you in the next one!

Robert K5PI

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