[CQ-Contest] Would this idea fly?

Tom Horton k5iid at ntelos.net
Wed Jan 23 01:38:19 EST 2002


There is so much talent out there in the contesting ranks that it just boggles the mind.  Since no one contester knows it all, although I'm sure some think they do, how about this "Contest Cookbook" being a compilation of lots of the big guns and lots of the lil pistols stories, suggestions, hints and kinks, station layout, analysis of contesting software, etc?

The big guys know how to run but are they the most efficient at S&P? Or are some of the lil pistols more adept at it, since that is mainly what they do? Spread the skills around.  Some of the newer guys are absolutely awesome, and there are some old, old timers that are as well. And all of us have anecdotes, humorous stories, most remembered moments, etc., could  add some "charm" to the book and possibly make it more interesting for newcomers to contesting. AK6I volunteered to do the editing, but this might be too big a chore for one guy. I would be happy to help in any way possible.

What do you think?

73, Tom K5IID

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