[CQ-Contest] target market: clarification requested

k5zm k5zm at attbi.com
Thu Jan 24 04:46:49 EST 2002

In the interest of 'thinking big':

Do we want to get non-contesters into contesting, or do we want to get
non-hams  involved in ham radio VIA contesting?

As admirable as the former is, I would think the latter even more so. To
push the envelope a little further, if the latter is indeed what we're
after... I don't think a book is the right medium in which to present it. We
need to think multimedia. I don't think the average 16-25 year old is going
to go waltzing into a BDalton (etc) in search of a book on how to get into
radio/contesting. No in today's enviornment.

We ought to think about a DVD or the like. Take the ball that was CQ's
'Getting Started' series and run (like hell) with it! Remember the James
Brooks dxpedition videos? Great stuff! The WRTC (2000?) video? Ditto!
Professionally done stuff like that still does neat things to impressionable

In whatever form we eventually utilize, here are some other things we'd do
well to cover:

* A YL/XYL section
* Clubs. Yes, some clubs actually have stations, but I'll bet there are
   far more that don't. We need to learn how the EUs do it.
* Speaking of the EUs, there 'radiosport' attitude seems to be the
   right tack. Fox hunting? (a form of contesting!).. they go nuts for it!

Food for thought. Speaking of which.. :)


Ian, K5ZM
Got CW?

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