[CQ-Contest] REF - give it a miss?

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Fri Jan 25 04:26:09 EST 2002

A little less than a year ago, I asked on cq-contest whether or not anyone
had received confirmation after sending their REF entry in by email.

The only reply was from EI8IC, who had been asked by F5LBL for some
follow up stuff concerning his entry.

If I recall correctly, I then tried to contact F5LBL & gave up after that.

Seeing how REF is this weekend & the weather is likely to be bad here, I
was thinking maybe I'd get on again & hand out the VR mult (I think mults
are DXCC entities or something like that for the Fs).  Out of curiosity, I 
last year's results on REF's web page & needless to say, I'm less than chuffed
to see that my score is missing.

Why get on, hand out a mult that otherwise would not be on, when your
previous year's entry (which apparently would have been top Asia score & in
the DX top ten) seemingly went into the bit bucket - despite follow through 
on your part?

I say sod the frogs - should I give it a miss this year or should I get on 
but send
cut random serial numbers instead?  ;^)

73, VR2BritishGuy

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>From Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com  Fri Jan 25 04:33:43 2002
From: Silver Ward" <hwardsil1 at mindspring.com (Silver Ward)
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 04:33:43 -0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest Cookbook
References: <6B3C0EEAB4FED3119F5F009027DC5E9E03298126 at spacemsg3.jhuapl.edu> <003401c1a519$cfa8dbc0$0101a8c0 at pavilion>
Message-ID: <002901c1a559$7af47cc0$b5e7bfa8 at ward>

The target for "cookbook" style books is usually the person who has been
exposed to a topic and has some interest, but little experience.  In our
market niche, the non-contester probably isn't going to know they want it
and to the experienced contester, there won't be a whole lot new.

To hit our twin targets - (1) increase the number of regular contesters and
(2) give them the tools to succeed - the book should be largely "how-to".
Chapter One should clearly be a "This is About Having a Terrific Time - It's
Magic" chapter.  But then, on to "what is going on" and "how can feel
comfortable doing this" information.

It might be a good idea to have each chapter be written at the "sophomore"
level, but have frequent sidebars and embedded "high performance tips" that
touch on deeper insights. This says, "learn the basics", while getting the
reader thinking that they can build on the foundation.  That way, the
overall text flow isn't disrupted, but the information is there just the
same.  I think it would be super cool to have each tip come from a champion,
as well.

For example - in the phone contesting chapter, stress standard phonetics and
minimum chatter.  Then add a  tip from, say, N5TJ that points out certain
phonetics are easier to say than others and that being consistent with every
QSO keeps the flow going.

For the non-contester, the hook is going to be personal contact with you,
Mr. and Mrs. Contester, so you can tell them how much fun you're having.
The occasional general interest story that portrays contesting in a positive
light or that illuminates one of the magic aspects of the sport should have
the goal of getting more people to make their first twenty or thirty contest
QSOs.  Once they have a positive initial experience, they'll be looking for
ways to have more fun and that's where the book comes in.

If there is really a lot of interest at a higher level, I don't see why a
high-performance body of information wouldn't be good.  By the way, if
anybody sprechens Deutsch, the Bavarian Contest Club has a very nice contest
"manual".  It may be available on their web site.

Remember that there is no substitute for being friendly - on the air and at
club meetings - to the newcomer that may just be getting enough nerve to
answer your mighty signal or is attending their first meeting.  Make the
effort and the rest is easy.

73, Ward N0AX

----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Makas <k1my at msn.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest Cookbook

> This is a terrific list but these subjects appeal mostly to the
> & serious contester. Let me repeat the suggestions of others: Who is the
> audience, established or potential contesters? If we are after the
> contesters, let's not scare them away with "high performance" suggestions.
> 73, Bruce K1MY

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