[CQ-Contest] Sony TFT LCD Monitor SDM M81 blackened by RFI

Mike W4EF at dellroy.com
Sun Jan 27 18:48:53 EST 2002

Hi Barry,

You might try hanging some 1/4 or 1/8 radials to the RF ground
of your shack. I also use my 80 meter dipole on 160 by
disconnecting the shield of the coax from ground just outside
the shack. Before I added radials I had RF all over the place.
After adding radials, things have quieted down considerably
on 160. There is no telephone RFI anymore, and my 21" CRT
does not even show the slightest sign of RFI when running
1200 watts output. The radial connection is only about 6'
from the rig. I am currently running around 20 ~1/8 wave
radials at the base of the antenna.

73 de Mike, W4EF.........................

73 de Mike, W4EF......................
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Merrill" <barry at mxg.com>
To: "Contest Reflector" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Sony TFT LCD Monitor SDM M81 blackened by RFI

> In the CQ 160 Test this weekend, I discovered
> that RFI could blacken the screen of my new
> "SONY TFT LCD Color Computer Display SDM M81".
> There were no problem on all other bands, but on 160,
> where I disconnect the shield of the 80 dipole's coax
> at the antenna switch in the (second floor) shack,
> even with SWR from only 1.2 at 1800 to 2.7 at 1855,
> whenever I used 800 watts and a 22-wpm dash (or 1100
> watts and a dot) of the Alpha, the Sony Monitor blacked
> out instantaneously, and then remained black for three
> more seconds after key up, before snapping back to life.
> The monitor was directly adjacent and close to the Alpha,
> but moving it 3 feet away did not change the problem,
> so I presume the RFI is getting in thru the cable,
> which I'll try to relocate and/or rf-choke thru a toroid.
> Fortunately, I discovered that 3 seconds is exactly how
> long it takes you to type in my call, see that I'm not a
> dupe, hit F2, and for your keyer to get to the State
> part of your exchange, so I was able to see to type just
> when I need to!
> Barry, W5GN
> Herbert W. Barry Merrill, PhD
> President-Programmer
> MXG Software
> Merrill Consultants
> Dallas, Texas, USA
> 214 351 1966
> www.mxg.com
> --
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