[CQ-Contest] Re: [WRTC2002 0726] AH3C EMERGENCY !!!

David Mueller n2nl at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 12 14:16:38 EDT 2002

Pete has been notified.....

73, Dave OH\N2NL

--- AH3C <ah3c at frii.com> wrote:
> Please get a hold of Peter H Grillo( AH3C) at the
> WRTC 2002 and advise him
> to call his daughter Liz at (916)734-2994 Pediatric
> ICU Room #5. His
> grandson Josh had an emergency appendectimy...three
> days after his
> appendics burts.  It is touch and go.
> Tks, Ah3c xyl, Judy

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