[CQ-Contest] Telrex Rotator

Bob, N5RP N5RP at pdq.net
Mon Jul 15 11:55:10 EDT 2002

Contesters subscribed to this list given priority of purchase.

This is the one of fables !
Forget modified prop pitches.
Forget the new stuff that makes interesting claims.
This is the rotor that has turned countless log periodic antennas around 
the world at military bases and embassy locations.
This unit may very well be the type of rotator that will never be built 
again due to manufacturing expenses and extremely over-sized component 
design parameters.
Manufactured by Telrex on 09/30/74
Never installed.
Every single component is still stored in their original box and wrapping 
Rotor assembly is still mounted to the original shipping pallet from the 
New Jersey factory.
Oil has never been added to gear box, and preservatives are still on the 
main components.
Compass Rose indicator is brand new - Absolutely no scratches and even 
smells new.
Selsyns have not been powered since initial factory assembly testings.
Included is 100' of cable for the initial run from shack to tower location.
Original manual in pristine condition.
All components are absolutely brand new with no compromise of condition.
This unit is like viewing a time capsule of technology and workmanship that 
has not been replicated since.
Pictures available upon request, but I must open boxes to take same. 
.............. $1,500.00

Bob Perring
Amateur Radio Station  N5RP
mailto:N5RP at pdq.net
N5RP Station Page: http://web2.airmail.net/perring/station.html

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