[CQ-Contest] WRTC glitches

David L. Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 16 16:40:50 EDT 2002

It seems that with all the effort to provide similar transceiver, location,
and antennas that the same software would be used.   And the software should
be tested beforehand.

I always run several different logs through my CQ 160 software each year to
assure its checking OK and get rid of bugs.   Writelog authors and
supporters including K9JY say that for each contest you should always set up
a test log and give it a spin before the contest.  With N6AA, K5ZD and other
logging experts on hand this should have been fundamental.

I am also concerned that the address for e-mail logs filled up and kicked
back some logs.

Otherwise congratulations to the contestants and sponsors.

73 Dave K4JRB

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