[CQ-Contest] W7GG/IARU/ Fire

Bob Wruble bob.wruble at verizon.net
Wed Jul 17 09:59:40 EDT 2002

Many of you have sent me notes after reading Ken's (K7ZUM) account of our
adventuire during the IARU test.  Thanks to all for their thots and concerns.

In the end my radio QTH was spared by the fast moving forest fire that hit
our area in Centrsl Oregon last Saturday during the IARU test.  As in most 
forest fires wind speed and direction plays a big role in who is hit or missed.

As Ken pointed out we were told to evacuate Saturday afternoon right in the 
middle of the IARU event.  At that time it looked like we were in for it but were 
spared.  I'm going back to the radio QTH this weekend to start re setting up 
the station.  

Once again thanks to all for their kind wishes,
de Bob, W7GG, Ai7b, WW7OR

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