[CQ-Contest] CW works better!

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Thu Jul 18 14:35:04 EDT 2002

>In a low power environment nobody can argue successfully with me that CW 
isn't a better node!

        This is also true on the low bands.  Proof - compare alltime
SOSB records for CW vs SSB on 160-40 in the CQ WW records here:


CW and SSB weekends use identical rules and are held at similar times of 
year, and CW scores vastly exceed SSB scores in most categories.  Here 
are 160M comparisons used in our RM-10352 Petition for mode segmentation.

Source:  http://members.aol.com/k3bu/W160Records.htm

Average all-time CQ 160 Contest record scores, CW versus SSB:

Area/Category:           % CW score exceeds SSB
Africa                            +585
Asia                               +44
Europe                            +123
North America                      +68
USA                                +30
Oceania                            +57
South America                     +212
Multi-operator                     +31
Low Power  (<100W)                 +63
QRP (<5W)                          +98

AVERAGE MARGIN:                   +128%

Source:  http://members.aol.com/k3bu/WWRecords.htm

Average all-time CQ WW record scores (SOSB160), CW versus SSB:

Area/Category:           % CW score exceeds SSB
Africa                             -67 
Asia                                +2
Europe                            +133
N. America                         +65
Oceania                            +52
S. America                        +152
USA                               +157 

AVERAGE MARGIN:                    +71%

        In the extreme conditions on the low bands, CW rules!

                                        73,  Bill  W4ZV

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