[CQ-Contest] Have Yourself a Little Pile-up Fun

KG6DV at cs.com KG6DV at cs.com
Tue Jun 4 18:07:37 EDT 2002

There have been several notes recently about the Dayton cw pileup results on 
the  to the Kansas City DX Club web page.  If you look elsewhere on their 
page you will find the sound files for the 1998 and 1999 pileup tests along 
with the answer sheets.  I ran the files and  confirmed what I had know for 
some time, I suck as a potential world class cw op.  There are some features 
of the sound files that play into my weaknesses.  The selective filters in my 
head will sync on a certain tone frequency. Once I have copied the call at 
that tone I try to mentally lock onto another caller at another tone, doesnt 
work, the original preferred tone distracts me.  If the sound file came 
complete with a rit I would do much better.  On the first listen I could not 
copy more than 38 callsigns from either file.  The list of scores for these 
years is also available on the web site and its a lot of fun to compare and 
find out just how bad or good you really are.  In my case it was good to 
dissolve the illusion.  

The potential fun is limited by the fact that the only files listed are those 
from 98 and 99.  Maybe the KCDXC can locate the sound files from previous 
years and provide us with some additional fun.  If you have never been to 
Dayton or have never participated in the pileup test, this may tell you to 
either avoid the embarrassment, practice more, or to make a reservation now 
for next year.  Log onto the KCDXC web site and have a run at it, beats 
sitting around waiting for the next contest.  

Ron KH6DV (sometimes KH6VV)

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