[CQ-Contest] Re: Travel Cases for Contest DXpeditions

KEN SILVERMAN k2kw at prodigy.net
Sat Jun 8 10:04:34 EDT 2002

>Anyone looking for a case to protect your valuable FT1000MP, etc., from
>damage during trips for the upcoming contest season may want to look at
>web site: www.specialized.net.

While this company does have a lot of different cases, their prices are high
(typical retail, no discount).  In addition, for the Pelican cases, they use
the same picture for every size case...

For cheap pelican cases, try www.cases4less.com among other web discounters
(I have no interest in Pelican or this website - it just has cheap cases and
delivers quickly).  This place sells the 1650 without foam for $155 - this
is cheaper than most personal luggage, and much more durable!

The experience of the 6Y2A and HC8N teams has lead us all to use the Pelican
1650 case.  For the durability and price, you can't beat it.  In addition,
these cases are used by divers, film crews etc, that they are very common,
and often go unnoticed.   I first got a ATA spec'd Hardigg case (VERY
expensive, and "military looking"), and it was stopped at every point for
inspection... not so with the Pelican case.

And as always, the foam you use to pack your equipment is THE most critical
item.  I have a lot of info and photos on packing the MP and other equipment
on my DxHoliday website:  http://dxholiday.com/dxresources.htm#equipmenttips

Kenny K2KW

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