[CQ-Contest] Re: 1 and 2

Michael Gilmer n2mg at eham.net
Tue Jun 11 22:00:04 EDT 2002

YT3T wrote:

> However, new technique emerged: having another S&P station on a runner's
> band. As long as you keep one signal at a time, it is perfectly legal to
> collect anything you wish on a runner's band, using second radio (and
> amplifier and antenna too...). Many big Multi Multis are using twin setup
> per band, and you can see it on their web pages. They do not advertise the
> way they keep a single signal at a time, though. And there are big Multis
> that don't care about this limit...

That may be true of some stations, but the legit ones are very quick to
share the techniques they use...and have done so right here on this


73 Mike N2MG

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