[CQ-Contest] Restoring High Band/Low Band categories in ARRL DX Test

Joseph A Staples k5xr at juno.com
Thu Jun 20 00:00:47 EDT 2002

I've just got to throw my "two cents" into this one. 

The Hi/Lo Band idea is one whose time has definitely (re) arrived..

For many of us time and circumstances have conspired to make the SO/AB
catagory no longer a practical option.  Some contesters elect, as I often
do, to settle for a SO/SB which can be fun ... up to a point.  I've often
simply operated just the Hi-Bands and submitted the log in the AB
catagory.  In one instance I chose the Tribander/Wires catagory with zero
Qs on the wires.  A bit silly, but it was an option.  (Actually my 15 M
SO/SB score would have earned me a higher place finish ... but it didn't
really matter as I had a real blast that weekend.)

If the contest sponsors do no more than allow the Hi/Lo band catagories
to be designated in the listinigs (published or Web) I think it would be
fun to see how things stack up amongst those who chose this approach.  

Give the plaques and praise to the SO/AB winners, they certainly deserve
them.  But let the rest of us have some fun in our own arena.

Nuff said ...

Joe, W5ASP

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