[CQ-Contest] "please copy"

Chuck discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 25 10:03:58 EDT 2002

......AA4GA says..

"OK W7ABC 1A Georgia"
"2A Washington"
"W7ABC Thanks QRZ Field Day K7AW"

And take the frequency.  

Mean, I know.    :)

K3FT opines..

Mean? NO WAY!  It's all part of the game. If
another op gives the opening because they are
unaware of a technique.. then it's fair game to
take and go! It's part of learning. 

They will wonder 'what happened?' (maybe!) and
that might provoke them to learn something.

It is like any other effort. If you play a sport
and the other team is short of info on a proper
technique to play and you see the advantage and
take it.. well... life is...'

One thing about 'real life on the air contesting'
it plays no favorites and gives no quarter. It's
equitable.. and all can learn the tricks and


Chuck K3FT
Thanks to all who worked K3FT and gave Q's! I
appreciate it!

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