[CQ-Contest] more on logging programs

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Wed Jun 26 11:17:39 EDT 2002

> Windows contest logger
> what would the ideal one have?
> (besides:  TCP/IP networking, cabrillo log generation, (maybe points
> calculation....PITA), section list, dupe checking, dupe listing while
> you're entering the callsign, ???)
> workign on writing a logger, hopefully will have it alpha released by
> sweeps.....had the alpha 0.0.1 out at field day, decided it needed soem
> work, now need some more ideas....
> thanks
> Ken

1) Smart band map (similar or better then in TRlog)
2) Fully user configurable
3) Possibility to add tests with non standard rules and point and multipler
5) CW and RTTY sending and  receiving
6) Support of all the types and brands of radios
7) Must be able to control antenna switch, linear amp, rotator
8) Build in Digital voice keyer
9) Ability to record audio of the entire contest with time stamps
10) Full support of M/S and M/M (things like passing mult from band to band,
keeping logs on different computer of the network in sync, provision of tx
inhibit on all the other trcvrs when one of them is in TX mode fo M/S etc)
11) On the fly and post contest analyses of band changes, rate by hours,
calls continental distribution ets (see post utility in TRlog)
12) Super check partial and other user database support
13) should be very fast even with several comps in the network and few
thousand QSO in the log
14)Should run across the range of platforms (Win95/98/NT/2000/XP )
15) should be reasonable in hardware requirements (should run on
Pentium90/133 with 16Mg of RAM)
I could go on an on but will better stop here :)


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