[CQ-Contest] ARRL Contest Online Results opened

Henderson, Dan N1ND dhenderson at arrl.org
Wed Jun 26 15:30:27 EDT 2002

Hi all:

The Online results for the 2001 ARRL 160 Meter Contest and the 2002 ARRL
January VHF Sweepstakes have been opened at:


Many thanks to Will Roberts, AA4NC, for his excellent work on the 160 Meter
results article and to Mark Hoffman K2AXX and Jeff Ach, W2FU, for their work
on the January VHF Sweepstakes articles.

As we continue to explore options with the online results, your feedback is
important.  Remember that this feature is new and really a "work in
progress".  As we continue to expand the coverage, we will also try to
address concerns/problems that may arise.  While the authors write the work,
the online presentation and data work is directed by ARRL Headquarters staff
persons.  Many thanks to those staffers as we continue to learn - just like
you - how to best provide you with more user information on the ARRL contest
events.  A special thanks goes to the ARRL Web Software Development
Department, especially Jon Bloom, KE3Z, and Tom Hogerty, WC1J.  Also, many
thanks to the MVP - Most Valuable Person - in the ARRL Contest Branch, my
assistant Kathy Allison, KA1RWY.  As a team, we will continue to work on
presentation and features.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally at
n1nd at arrl.org

Thanks and 73

Dan Henderson, N1ND
ARRL Contest Branch Manager

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