[CQ-Contest] "Please copy..."

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av at contesting.com
Thu Jun 27 01:00:36 EDT 2002

The rough equivalent on CW is "UR" as in

N6TJ UR NR 2035B W4XYZ 58 GA

 ... heard fairly often.

73, Guy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Neiger" <n6tj at sbcglobal.net>
To: <discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] "Please copy..."

> And by natural extension, the next step is to preface our CW
exchanges with
> a polite "please copy"?  Give me a break, please.
> Jim Neiger
> N6TJ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chuck" <discreetly_confidential at yahoo.com>
> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 1:07 PM
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] "Please copy..."
> > Scott Nichols sagely noted that....
> > "I think, for many people, the "please copy" acts
> > as an instinctive "bridge"...." and also noted
> > "..It also seems a little more friendly..."
> >
> > K3FT opined.. What I learned from chatting with
> > the pros in this world is that even though the
> > guiding rule is 'A-B-C' (Accuracy, Brevity,
> > Clarity) when transmitting traffic, the all
> > important, yet intangible 'human factor' must be
> > considered.
> >
> > The insertion of the 'Please Copy...' prior to
> > the start of the message (on voice circuits)
> > helps to impart a small but valuable bit of 'the
> > personal touch' in the mix.
> >
> > Another purpose is to give the recieving
> > operators mind a chance to 'lock in' and be
> > absolutely ready to copy what follows. Even
> > though you know that the other guy is ready
> > because he responsded 'K3FT send your traffic'
> > and you start transmitting.. a 'Please copy...'
> > before the 'number xxx...' and the rest of the
> > preamble simply gives him a 1/4 of  a second to
> > energize the brain/body to begin actually
> > writing/typing.  The slight delay allows him to
> > move from the act of transmiting 'K3FT, Send your
> > traffic', put down the mic, ready his
> > pencil/fingers, and be absolutely ready to copy
> > whatever you send next.
> >
> > Regardless of how good you are, there is ALWAYS a
> > slight delay from the time you stop transmitting
> > your readiness to receive and  your full
> > readiness to copy. The 'Please copy' allows the
> > human factor of a pleasantry to occur while
> > providing that needed delay so the reciever can
> > be assured of having all in place to copy.
> >
> > That is all it really is. What I was taught is we
> > strive for 'A-B-C' but maintaining a small bit of
> > 'human pleasantry' in the mix is OK.
> >
> > 73
> > Chuck K3FT
> >
> >
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