[CQ-Contest] RE: [Towertalk] dead grass

Bob, N5RP N5RP at pdq.net
Sun Jun 30 11:40:42 EDT 2002

> > > Is there something that leaches off older towers that kills grass?
> > > I
> > > don't remember it happening the first 10 years or so, but now on my
> > > older towers I have been noticing that the grass is being killed off
> > > on
> > > the downhill side.  These are all rohn 25/45/55 type towers.  Is
> > > there
> > > something to stop it??
Alkalinity from the older concrete leaches out into the yard.

You do not notice this at first. It takes a while for the leaching to have 
an adverse affect on the surrounding plants that might need a more acid 
soil condition.

Apply acidifier to the surrounding soil.
Same thing happens down here in the Southern USA to azaleas planted too 
close to concrete foundations of houses.

The list is free to be surprised at this being one of my few sincere posts 
with a content of substance.
File away if you wish to preserve same.
Bob Perring
Amateur Radio Station  N5RP
mailto:N5RP at pdq.net
N5RP Station Page: http://web2.airmail.net/perring/station.html

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