[CQ-Contest] New Club Area Definition

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Mon Mar 4 15:35:45 EST 2002

Pete Smith wrote:
> I've been surprised by how little (like no) comment there has been on 
> the changes to the club competition rules.  Most of them are all to 
> the good, but I'm perplexed by the change in the club area.


> It seems to me that this change will have little, if any, practical 
> effect.  In the densely populated areas, ARRL sections are smaller 
> than the 175-mile circle, while out in the center of the country, 
> clubs are drawing their circles to encompass as many population 
> centers as possible.

Off the top of my head, the only ones I can see being helped, are the
good folks of Tennessee, since their 175-mile circle doesn't cover the
whole state ... but of course, the section definition would solve that
problem for them nicely.

> Meanwhile, in Florida, where Florida Contest Group's plight did a lot 
> to raise the issue in the first place, the new rule brings no relief
> at all.

Yes, we in Florida are painfully aware of this situation.  A good
portion of our 175-mile circle covers water ... no matter where we put
it!  With 3 ARRL sections in Florida, that doesn't help either ... we
have members in all three sections.  I proposed something using Grid
Squares, but that didn't fly either.

If anyone can come up with a workable solution for EVERYONE ... I'm sure
we can arrange for you to become an "honorary Chad"!

Ron,  WD4AHZ

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