[CQ-Contest] FW: Spotting

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Mon Mar 11 22:56:43 EST 2002

I'm increasingly finding that if there was a way to, I'd request folks _not_
to spot me.

It used to be that before the Internet got involved, from the other side one
could see how spots propagated on packet & with the exception of highly
populated areas (W6 comes to mind), one could keep up.

But now - kaboom - all of NA is calling all at once.  I was only goofing around
in ARRL DX SSB, but it wouldn't take long for the pile to instantly mushroom
& my rate to dip below three-per-minute.  I'd pull the cans & wander off to
the kitchen to make a cup of tea, listening to folks calling & calling & 
whilst at least one switched on chap would invariably chip in with "You
scared him away!".

73, BW2/VR2BrettGraham

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