[CQ-Contest] Top 10 Contests

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wn3vaw at fyi.net
Wed Mar 13 19:46:11 EST 2002

Top 10 contests here (and I'm considering each mode separately):

1. (tie) CQ WPX SSB
            CQ WPX CW
(with my call, this is a surprise?)
7. Pennsylvania QSO Party  -- sorry Florida QP, you got a long, long ways to
go yet to catch this grand old lady!
8. ARRL 10 Meter
9. California QSO Party
10. IARU HF Championship

Honorable mention:  ARRL 160 & CQ 160 Contests, I would if I had an antenna
for the band; Breezeshooters Groundwave & Wireless Association of South
Hill's 2M FM Simplex contests -- two locals for WPA but both a heck of a lot
of fun and extremely popular here!

73, ron wn3vaw

"You are a fluke of the Universe
You have no right to be here
And whether you can hear it or not,
The Universe is laughing behind your back"
-- National Lampoon's Deteriorata

----- Original Message -----
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 08:17:44 -0500
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
From: Pete Smith <n4zr at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Top 10 Contests???

At 09:13 AM 3/13/02 +0000, WB0WAO wrote:
>I have a question that I am sure that many of you veteran contest ops can
>answer to a "beginner".  What are the top 10 most "popular" contests to
>operate in.  In checking the contest calendars, there are a LOT of 'em to
>chose from!  I am sure that CQ WW, CQ WPX, ARRL DX, and ARRL SS are
>the "top 4", but what are the others that have the most participation?
>10m, IOTA, ??????

I believe the ARRL 10 Meter test gets the most entries of any ARRL contest,
but that's almost over for this decade because of the impending decline of
the sunspot cycle.  I like the IARU because it is shorter and you can go
mixed mode if you like, plus this year it is combined with the World Radio
Team Championship.  The CW Sprints (4 hours each, twice a year) are frantic
but lots of fun. WAE has lots of activity and the QTC feature adds a unique
dimension.  The NA QSO Parties (twice a year in each mode) are also brief
and give you a chance to call your contesting compatriots by name, which I
find good fun, especially on phone.

73, Pete N4ZR

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