[CQ-Contest] smarter software?

jljarvis jljarvis at abs.adelphia.net
Mon Mar 18 12:29:06 EST 2002

Chuck, K3FT wrote:

"I wonder if we need smarter spotting software.
Why couldn't the software keep track of the last 30 minutes or so of 
spots, and then inhibit spotting of a station if it was spotted already?"


Writelog traps callouts in its band-scope window, doesn't reflect duplicates,
and drops spots out after a user specified interval.  Not necessary to even
LOOK at packet, just point and click on the color coded callsign on the
bandmap.  You can tell needed mults from unworked stations, and you can see dupes.

Of course, it can't be responsible for the myriad of miscopied calls, and 
typos that are committed.  Fortunately, one can filter out BUST/callsign at
the node!


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