[CQ-Contest] Re: Linears in the closet

Ragnar Otterstad otterstad at enter.vg
Tue Mar 19 09:42:31 EST 2002

I have been reading the discussion for a while,
for my knowledge, and if look through certain
webpages, I find amplifiers capable of excessive power
all over the world.

The reason why stations from Italy are louder in the states then other
Europeans are simply the better location.

They work stations with good reports I can barely hear
in northern-germany.This phenomena already excists within Germany if one
compares signals between north- and south locations.


Peter, you are partly right.
We have the same situation in a small country like Norway. If the country had
been turned upside down the North Cape would have been in North-Africa !  hi .
Our Eastern corner is on the same longitude as Cairo !

Sop when somebody elsewhere is reporting " they worked Europe " - one has to
be more specific !  hi

After all Italy is almost North- Africa.But they have always been mostly phone
people , and back in the dark ages with AM , we used to say they had 100 W
transmitters and 500 W modulators!
Now they just turn up the processors !!  Hi


Rag Otterstad    LA5HE also JW5HE OZ8RO
located in Telemark - home of skiing.

My antenna "farm" can be found on HTTP://no.photos.yahoo.com/la5he when you
click on  Radio.

Take a look at: http://WWW.visitTelemark.com

or  http://www.visitnorway.com

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