[CQ-Contest] FT990, how to power it on the field? (sent to YEASU digest, with no answer)

Samir Popaja samir at totem.se
Thu Mar 21 08:48:00 EST 2002


I have tried this with YEASU digest, but no answer, now trying here, hi.

I have a FT990 with inbuilt power supply. I would like to use it on the
field. Only chance to power FT990 is using electricity board. Any chance
to use cars battery to power FT990? Does YEASU have something? I
remember that my old FT902DM had battery contact (13.8V) apart of that
it had inbuilt power supply. Thanks

SM7VZX, ex. SM7/T94BO, SM7/4N4BO, 4N4BO, YU4BO, 4N4A
Samir Popaja 
SE-214 31 MALMÖ 
samir at totem.se
Phone +46 40 960020 
Mobile +46 704 381 526 

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