[CQ-Contest] Re: I won't log /QRP
Kevin Anderson
k9iua at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 25 13:45:56 EST 2002
This thread is just about dead, but let
me weigh in as a 99% QRP operator.
Over on the QRP-L reflector, you will find
the group there about just as divided about the
/QRP issue as you folks here. (Many of the QRP-L
folks are regulars in contests, and many
subscribe to this forum.) Some will be very
religious about the issue, on either side,
just like many people here.
You will find that most QRP operators in
*CONTESTS* will NOTsign /QRP unless maybe there
is several contests going on in the same
frequency space, as it might not be clear
from their CQ TEST DE which contest. But even
in that case most will probably not.
Where I see most the use of /QRP is not in
contests, but in DX PILEUPS. There (and I
am certainly guilty of this at times, but
not always) one is trying to stand out from
the pack, and many times than not it helps,
just like indicating /M or "mobile" helps.
The goal is to get heard, to get the contact,
and if your personal conscious allows for it,
why not? If the DX station refuses to hear you,
so be it. And if they refuse to put the /QRP in
the log, so be it. At least you will have
the main part of the call, which is all that
matters for a QSL. But once a DX station
stands by for a QRP station, realize that
the "rules" are out -- that station has
declared that they will favor one group
of stations over another. Your choice as the
DX station. Your choice as the would-be DX chaser.
Indicating mobile is not a requirement, at
least not in the US, yet how many people do
that? A very large percentage do so from
what I can tell. Why? Like with the /QRP
there are various reasons: (1) "tradition"
(or thought to be rules), (2) to stand out
in order to "invite" someone to reply,
(3) to "warn" the other users that you might
be a weak or intermittent station to work
based on changing conditions, or (4) to stand
out (as in the DX situation). A fifth
reason, pertinent to mobile only, is to alert
the other person to possibly expect a QTH or
location that is different than the home.
But let me add an interesting 5th reason
that is pertinent to QRP operators -- many
others (non-QRPers) DON'T WANT TO WORK US.
Yep! Surprised? Many QRP operators have
experienced the interesting phenomenon that
once we indicate the usual rig, antenna,
and power information in the QSO, suddenly
the other station has a reason to QRT.
Why, I don't know, especially when they just
told us we were 59 (or even 59plus). But you
would be surprised how many folks have
experienced it. By signing /QRP, the low-power
operator is essentially giving you a "warning"
that indicates that if you don't like talking
to a QRP station, then don't bother to answer
this one. Not that I do this, but I have
talked to many for which this is an issue
on both sides of the argument.
On the other hand, just as many QRP are very
proud of being a low-power operator. Signing
/QRP is a way to "proclaim" that feeling.
Like I said, over on the QRP-L list, you will
find that the QRP operators cover the full
range of amateur radio and share all types of
views on this. The only common denominator
is that they/we prefer to operate at 5 watts
or less power out to the antenna. (You will
find just as righteous a discussion over the
idea of whether a "true" QRP operator can
use a antenna other than a dipole, in other
words whether one is still QRP if you use a
gain antenna. You don't have those discussions
here, or do you? <grin>)
Just so you know, I DON'T sign /QRP in contests
(occasionally for DX, but not contests).
Cheers from Iowa.
Kevin, K9IUA
Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA
k9iua at NOSPAM.yahoo.com
(Remove the NOSPAM for e-mail address)
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